Message or variable names must be less than 31 characters.
An output has already been applied here, or there is already an output with this connection name.
This connection has already been made somewhere else.
A Dialog Box has not been defined yet!
Could not find some blocks in the libraries opened with this model file. The model will open with the missing blocks shown as bordered text boxes. Replace and reconnect these as desired.
This name has already been used for a Block in this library.
This connection has already been made.
unused #10
unused #11
Missing or bad data in selected Blocks at Simulation.
No more memory. Close some simulations, remove some Blocks or Plots, turn off bitmap preferences, or allocate more memory for Extend‚Ñ¢.
Too many steps. 2,000,000,000 is the maximum.
This file was created using a newer version of Extend, and is not compatible with this version of Extend.
Not enough memory to “Cut.” Select fewer blocks, turn off bitmap preferences, or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
unused #17
Not enough memory to “Copy.” Select fewer blocks, turn off bitmap preferences, or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
Cannot remove a Block that is used in an open document.
That Block name is empty, too long (Max 31 chars), or bad (starts with a space).
Too many Connectors. Maximum is 128.
Cannot paste. The text is too big.
No more memory for simulation. Click OK and save files as desired.
No more memory. Click OK and save files as desired.
This disk is locked, or there is not enough room on this disk to save your file.
Cannot find file on this disk.
Cannot read file. Media error.
Cannot write file. Media error.
Cannot write file. Disk or file is locked.
Printer not responding, or not enough memory or room on disk to print.
Cannot find printer driver on disk.
Too many Libraries open. Twenty maximum.
Cannot open the same library twice.
Text is too big. Maximum 32767 chars.
This connector name has already been used, or is a reserved ModL system name. Reverting to old name.
Cannot Paste. Connector name is greater than 32 chars.
This file is too big to read into memory. Close some simulations or allocate more memory for Extend‚Ñ¢.
This Named Signal has already been used for an output. Reverting to old name.
Selected Block(s) have not been compiled.
Both X Limits or both Y Limits are the same. They must be different.
Log axis cannot have zero or negative limits.
Need to enter Y2 Axis values if Signal plots to Y2 Axis.
Missing Axis values?
Value entered is outside calculated array?
A connector name must be less than 32 characters, start with a letter and end with "In" if it is an Input connector, or "Out" if it is an Output connector.
Cannot delete the "OK" or "Cancel" buttons.
Warning! There were some non-numeric characters in the pasted data. Check the numbers!
This message name has been used already, or is a reserved ModL system name. Enter a different name.
Not enough memory to compile Block. Close some simulations, turn off bitmap preferences, remove some Blocks or Plots, or allocate more memory for Extend‚Ñ¢.
The block in the library has fewer connectors than the block in the model. Check the connections to this block.
Cannot start a message or variable name with a number.
Need to enter Message or Variable Name for this item so that script can refer to it.
The Radio Button Group must be between 0 and 255.
Rows must range from 1 to 3260, Columns must range from 1 to 428, and Columns times Rows must be less than or equal to 3260.
Rows must range from 1 to 2030, Columns must range from 1 to 428, and Columns times Rows must be less than or equal to 2030.
This error msg not currently used.
Not enough room on disk to perform operation.
Cannot replace a block that is being used in an open document.
Not enough room on disk to save block. Try saving to a different library on a different disk (Save Block as...).
Not enough room on disk to save block. Please "Save Block As...", in the Define menu, to a new or open library on a different disk.
This block is protected. You cannot open the structure of a protected block.
Selected blocks aborted during STEPSIZE message.
Selected block aborted during INITSIM message.
Please enter values for both Start Time and End Time.
Number of steps must be at least one.
Number of simulations must be at least 1 and less than 32768.
End Time must be greater than Start Time.
Number of steps must be less than 200000000.
No data in the clipboard to paste.
Please click on the destination column or columns in the tabular data panel.
Cannot paste or import to the Time column.
Cannot paste or import to an empty signal, installed function, or a non-dynamic array signal.
Not enough free memory to finish paste or import. Close some simulations, turn off bitmap preferences, remove some blocks, or if using MultiFinder, increase Extend's memory.
The Demo version of Extend‚Ñ¢ cannot read in non-demo files.
Reading in pre-release file. Old plotting blocks are being recreated and may have lost axis values, old data, and plots.
This library or disk is locked. Changes cannot be saved to this library.
Not enough room on disk to perform operation.
Extend‚Ñ¢ cannot run on a machine that doesn't have, at least, the 128K ROM equivalent.
This line format does not apply to scatter plots.
This line format does not apply to installed function plots.
Close any open "Structure of ..." windows before running a simulation. Check the "Windows" menu.
Error - Could not read the library file
Because it is used in an open document, you cannot close this library:
The Clipboard is corrupted - cannot paste data.
The file is corrupted - cannot read data.
This file is locked or already open somewhere else. Changes cannot be saved to it. Save to a different file name.
Cannot connect incompatible connectors.
Not in a library.
To delete a hierarchical block's connector, delete the connector in the icon pane of the structure window (option-double-click the H-Block).
The Icon data is corrupted. Cannot finish updating icon picture.
Not enough memory to “Clear.” Select fewer blocks, turn off bitmap preferences, or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
Message or variable names must start with a letter and must not contain spaces.
Please enter a positive value greater than zero for “Time per Step.”
Not yet implemented!
Cannot replace an open or locked library.
Not enough memory to place H-Block on model. Turn off bitmap preferences or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
This library was created using a newer version of Extend, and is not compatible with this version of Extend.
Cannot open H-Blocks from this window. Place an H-Block on a model window and Option-Double-Click it to see the Structure.
To change the type (“in” vs “out”) of a hierarchical block's connector, open the Structure window. To do this, option-double click the hierarchical block.
Cannot drag these cloned dialog items to a different model.
These cloned dialog items do not exist within this H-Block and cannot be placed here.
Not enough memory to create H-Block. Turn off bitmap preferences or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
Invalid number for axis value
The entered DeltaTime caused the number of steps to be greater than 200000000. Enter a larger value.
Cannot rename a block that is used in an open document.
Cannot place an H-Block from a library within itself.
Please enter a number between 3 and 32760 for font size.
This computer does not have an FPU (math coprocessor chip) and a 68020 or better processor. Please use the non-FPU version of Extend.
You must enter a valid serial number in the serial number field.
You must enter a name in the name field.
There is a duplicate Extend registered in zone "
" to "
". This Extend license is single user only.
NBP failed to unregister. You probably disconnected appletalk while Extend was running. It would be a good idea to reboot your machine before relaunching Extend.
your zone
This type of plot can’t use "#" identifiers.
Not enough memory to open this block’s Structure. Close some models or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
Not enough memory to continue this simulation. Close some models or allocate more memory to the Extend application.
Not enough memory to copy library block. Close some models or allocate more memory to Extend.
Data insertion failed, not enough memory to continue.
This block’s “copy” name is too long. The copy’s name will have to be changed slightly.
Cannot open a Simons’ Ideas library in this version of Extend.
Not enough memory to display this window. Close some simulations, remove some Blocks or Plots, turn off bitmap preferences, or allocate more memory for Extend‚Ñ¢.
The Extensions folder is not being recognized as a valid folder, if it is an alias, you will need to move the actual folder into this directory.
Could not find block for Section Read event
Could not find block for Section write event
Could not find block for Section Scroll event
Could not find block for Section cancel event
Warning: if you save this model on an older system without the Edition Manager, all publisher and subscriber information will be lost.
To connect two connector text objects, connect one of them thru a Constant block (value of 0.0). For Discrete models, connect one of them thru a Combine block (using only one input).
Some section aliases not resolved, some section information will be lost.
EVE hardware copy protection device not present or invalid. This version of this software will not run without this device.
Selected block aborted during ENDSIM message.
Too many Extend units are currently running for this site license. The maximum is
Cannot open a RunTime library in this non-RunTime version of Extend.
Cannot open a non-RunTime library in the RunTime version of Extend.
The number entered at this axis limit needs to be smaller then the high axis limit value.
The number entered at this axis limit needs to be larger then the low axis limit value.
This plotter change would set the value of one of the logarithmic axes below or equal to zero.
Cannot delete include file because it is currently open or locked. The include file window must be closed to delete an include file.
File read failed during sensitivity analysis, file not found or not in tab delimited format. Note: files need to be somewhere within the folder or sub folders containing the saved model or the application.
Too many dialog items in this block. Maximum number of items is 1023.
Cannot compile with include files open. Please close all open include file windows before compiling.
Cannot open the ModL structure window of a block in this version of Extend.
Cannot view encoded "Include" files in this version.
Cannot save encoded "Include" files in this version. Do not use ".hc" suffix on file name. Use ".h" suffix only.
File name is too long (max 27 characters) and cannot have colon (:) in its name.
Aborted during "OpenModel" initialization. Close some simulations or allocate more memory for Extend‚Ñ¢.
Block aborted during "OpenModel" initialization.
Extend cannot open or print a model while another model is running.
No more then five structure windows can be opened as one selection.
There is enough memory to open this hierarchical block’s structure and make changes, but there is not enough memory to “Discard Changes” when closing it.
You must disconnect this connector of the hierarchical block on the outer model and on this submodel before changing its type.
Cannot open a non-Macintosh library in this version of Extend. Need a newer version of Extend to convert this library.
This file had some corrupted dialog text clones. They have been repaired, but they will not be updated until their blocks are opened (double-clicked).
The minimum must be less then the maximum. Change the maximum first to change both.
The maximum must be greater then the minimum. Change the minimum first to change both.